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Assessment - Planning - Leadership - Culture

Embassy Equipping

Understanding Our World and Equipping Churches to Lead in It

Assessment -
      Gaining insights and growing awareness with staff development, volunteer shepherding and organization health.

Strategic Planning - 
 Strategy Selection and Evaluation

Leadership - 
       Developing Leadership to Accomplish the Strategy

Culture - 
       Understanding the Culture to Accomplish the Mission

Why Embassy Equipping?
Embassy Equipping exists to equip the church and other organizations toward an effective, missional stance and strategy. We want to see churches have an impact in our culture, within local neighborhoods and around the world. We help them assess where they are as individuals, as a team, or as an entire organization. We then give them the leadership insight and techniques they need to move forward.

Leadership Development

Carrying the grace, truth, and love of Christ into our world not only requires an understanding of our world - but an understanding and development of ourselves as leaders. Embassy Equipping helps you develop as an individual leader and equips your team, a cohort of leaders, or your church toward that end. We provide individual coaching, staff and team leadership development, video cohort equipping and guest speaking.

Cultural Engagement

We help you, your team, your staff, and your church understand our culture in order to represent the grace, truth, and love of the Kingdom of God in our world as it is. We develop your cultural stance, your biblical understanding of culture, and our necessary place within it. We do this in order to be transformed into a clearer image of Christ so we can be used by God in His desire to redeem all things. We have been given the mission of reconciliation - we are here to equip you toward being a part of that mission.

Assessment - Planning - Coaching

Leaders can often wonder -

  • How am I doing?

  • How is my team doing?

  • How is my organization doing?

Embassy Equipping offers individual assessment and coaching, including a Certified DISC assessment. We work with you for team and organizational assessments and a structured process for a strategic plan.

We can also review and assess:

  • ​Financial Processes

  • Operational Processes

  • Ministry Planning

Mike has been instrumental in helping our leadership think through and move toward measurable goals. This is not a canned approach, but rather helping us as a church more fully embody the mission God has placed before us. We are so grateful for the work Mike has done and is doing to make us better stewards of God’s call. 

Trey Herweck, Pastor Refuge Church St. Charles, MO

Church Staff & Leaders:
Please take a moment and complete this 5 Question Survey.
You'll receive a complete strategic planning process document, including a full set of assessments for your church.
Old World Map

Embassy Equipping International provides training and resources for pastors and church leaders in the developing world. We have equipped church leaders in Malawi, Ethiopia, and Nepal. Resources include foundational theological training, cultural engagement resources, church leadership training, and resources for resilience in ministry. 


Your tax-deductible donation makes this training possible by providing funding for travel expenses and training resources. To make a donation, click below:

Mike Sherman

Getting-from-A-to-B-Making-an-Idea-Happen-Rock-Community (1).png

Embassy Equipping has grown out of the experiences and development of its founder, Mike Sherman. Educated at Covenant Seminary in St. Louis, Mike has been an Executive Pastor for many years who has seen the challenges faced by churches, teams, leaders, and individuals to understand our world and how they can live on mission in it. As part of his journey, Mike has sought to understand our world and equip others to understand it as well. Along the way he was a part of team and leader development and saw the necessity of pursuing emotional health, spiritual transformation, and leadership development in order to be the people who can fulfill our mission. Embassy Equipping reflects Mike's desire to offer these experiences, and the resources developed along the way, to churches, teams, and individuals for the glory of God.

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